Rajongói e-mailek
2015. február 20. írta: timoteiful

Rajongói e-mailek

2015. május


húhaaaaa, őt elfelejtettem betenni (nagy hiba lett volna) :)


Alfonso Mangione

Hi Timotei!I just enjoyed your lovely tunes, there's much inspiration there! A very good mix of different atmospheres, with good players, and a very very nice vocal! Great!Buona musica, ciao! Al.
Ágnesnek még nem tudunk segíteni, de majd nemsokára :)

Agnes Raymer

 hi!how to buy your album which includes You and Me on google play?? I've been searching... but could not be found. or maybe you can upload more tunes here, I'm eager to hear more...



Jackson REED

Cool stuff sista , Jah bless . Peace




The Fabulous Del Counts

" You and Me " fantastic track......Charles.


  From: Freddy Molina [mailto:freddy-molina@ (ezt ezentúl inkább nem jelenítem meg, nehogy baj legyen belőle)
Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 9:13 AM
To: Tantos Tímea
Subject: Re: [N1M] Thank you for everything...

hello! I know it's hard to be successful as independent but i can see that you have enough talent to make all your dreams come true! I wish you all the best and stay blessed! We Fans will support you and I'll spread the word as much as i can! Blessed beyond measure and happy to bless others! Each day is a gift another day to get and give love to others and be thankful for even the smallest of moments!

Ezt a Hard Rock Rising döntője után kaptuk (többek között):
From: Zsuzsanna ................... [mailto:..............................]
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 8:24 PM
To: Tantos Tímea
Subject: :)


Én annyira, de annyira büszke vagyok Rátok, és tegnap nagyon boldog voltam, hogy ott lehettem,, énekeltem, ordítottam és fütyültem Nektek, Veletek!!!
Megcsináltátok, mindenfajta produceri, menedzseri segítség nélkül, Magatoknak köszönhetően ott voltatok (nem is múlt idő, ma is ott vagytok) a 3 legtehetségesebb magyar rockzenekar között, és erre legyetek NAGYON BÜSZKÉK! A legenda megszületett, már csak kicsit fel kell nőnie, de előbb-utóbb egy óriásplakátról néztek ma vissza, és én meg dagadó mellkassal mutogathatom majd, hogy ÉN OTT VOLTAM, AMIKOR AZ EGÉSZ ELINDULT, és ismerem őket!!! Csak elhiggyék majd nekem :)
Én szeretnék valahogy hozzájutni majd egy olyan limitált szériás kiadványhoz, de szívesen fizetek érte, csak legyen egy dedikált albumom Tőletek.

Millió puszi és gratuláció:




Amazing ....honored to meet you ....wishing you love ...joy & happiness ...love & respect



  • Keld Sand Singer/songwriter


    It is delightful and a great pleasure to listen to your lively, eventful, stimulating and fascinating songs. Just wonderful!
    All the best wishes and good luck from a Danish fan and artist,



AV Super Sunshine

Thanks so much for the kindness!
I love your tracks, pages and vocals, I liked your Facebook page and I am following!
I also subscribed to your youtube channel.
Awesome, we’re connected!


és megint írt :)

Salt NZ

HelloTimotei...>>> Some real nice songs you have There!!! We ROCKED from tip to toe ( : Our favourite is " Sweet Doubts" Only just though!! We Gave you a well deserved like and hope our songs ROCK you ( :
Salt & TGM


Hoppá! A Hard Rock Rising miatt már megint elhanyagoltam ezt az oldalt :(
Gyorsan beteszek legalább egyet  :)

2015. április

Salt NZ (Artist)

Great ROCKING songs with a fantastic Vocal !!! We ROCKED happily ( : Salt & TGM

2015. március

from Cornell Cantu


Hi!! yyour music is absolutely awesome and reflects my mood for today. i will follow your updates here and share your stuff as much as i can..all the best!!



twixymillia RIDDIM

Thanks for being our fan!
really loving your music hoping we can collaborate in a near futur i will keep in touch TIMOTEI
one love

wishing you well and you got my support



twixymillia RIDDIM

titi rocks could put hit in a reggae . great track



2015. február
From: Andreas Edmonds .....................................com
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2015 8:04 AM
To: Tímea
Subject: [N1M]

Very modern. You and Me. I like it.


From: Mark Duschack ......................@................com
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2015 3:42 AM
To: Tímea
Subject: [N1M]

hey hey hey first time when i received a message to listen to your music I thought it would be a waste of time but it could be a great mistake if i didn't check this out and now I'm a returning listener almost daily


















From: Cleo Felix <.....................................
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2015 9:21 PM
To: Tímea
Subject: N1M

i wanna let you know that i started my day with Sweet Doubts, your music is always with me!



From: Raphael Witt .................................
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:19 AM

To: Tímea

Subject: N1M

your music I play on Repeat repeat repeat



From: Janie Nyberg ...............................
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2015 2:48 AM
To: Tímea
Subject: [N1M]

Can't get enough of sweet doubts. Love It and will be replayed many many times in my list of favourites!!!!!!


-----Original Message-----
From:Rich ......................
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 7:52 PM
To: Tímea
Subject: [N1M]

I will be waiting for the next fabulous tune!
Much respect to U.

Rich ...


 From: Dennis Aldridge ............................
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2015 11:42 AM
To: Tímea




From: Cesar Thomson......................................
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2015 11:40 AM
To: Tímea

I just listened to your music again, glad i left my email on your list I like it very much! I think you are one of my favorites.


From: Jean Swain ...........................................
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 11:39 PM
To: Tímea

hey! this is the best music i've heard on n1m so far...please stay in touch, i want to follow your updates. all the best.



From: Rich ......................................
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 7:52 PM
To:  Tímea

I will be waiting for the next fabulous tune
Much respect to U.
Rich ...


Cara Stromberg <.....................................>:
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 4:25 PM
To: Tímea

Great music. Thanks for continuing to make music so we don't have to listen to Idols music!


From: Sid  <...............................@hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 2, 2015 3:25 AM
To: Tímea

Hi! If I were walking along the streets of New York at night, contemplating and wondering, SWEET DOUBTS would be the tune in the background.

My love for this one will never fade away.



Kisko Amari

Nice Vybe let know if u ever want to do a collab...





you are welcome sweety :)


A bejegyzés trackback címe:



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